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The new office space is on the second floor of Duvall Place, an office complex near historic downtown Kennesaw, Georgia. Duvall Place is in close proximity to rapidly growing industrial developments and corporate business centers. This location will serve as the corporate headquarters including sales, accounting, client relations and marketing. Production efforts, including SEO services, PPC management, content marketing, email marketing, web design and related services will continue to be done in Georgia and Louisiana field offices. Company president James Hobson commented, "The surging economy presents an opportunity to improve our sales plans, and give our local employees an easier commute. The Atlanta MSA is among the best in the nation. The northwest metro sector is not only growing rapidly but has a dense population of the types of companies we want as clients. We're excited to be positioned to engage these businesses as a truly local provider of digital marketing services." Mr. Hobson added, "The city of Kennesaw has always been very supportive of the business community.
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