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Both Enterprises and Service Providers benefit from the multi-tenant cloud gateway architecture and the ability to support real-time applications over private, broadband and wireless links, continuing to demonstrate that The Cloud is the Network. In being named TMCs Product of the Year, VeloCloud continues to carry forth its momentum, industry traction and recognition it earned in 2016, said VeloCloud CEO and Co-founder Sanjay Uppal. It is because of our innovation and differentiation that VeloCloud has reached 50,000 sites and total customer count has eclipsed 600, including the worlds two largest SD-WAN wins. In 2017, VeloCloud Private blog network maintenance SD-WAN will broaden its lead as large and global Enterprises as well as tier 1 and tier 2 Service Providers accelerate adoption of VeloCloud SD-WAN. The winners of the 2017 INTERNET TELEPHONY Product of the Year award will be featured in the INTERNET TELEPHONY magazine in January, and were highlighted at: http://www.tmcnet.com/voip/departments/articles/428829-internet-telephony-announces-tmc-product-the-year-award.htm . For more information about TMC, please visit www.tmcnet.com . About TMC Global buyers rely on TMCs content-driven marketplaces to make purchase decisions and navigate markets. This presents branding, thought leadership and lead generation opportunities for vendors/sellers. TMCs Marketplaces: Unique, turnkey Online Communities boost search results, establish market validation, elevate brands and thought leadership, while minimizing ad-blocking. Custom Lead Programs uncover sales opportunities and build databases.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://finance.yahoo.com/news/velocloud-cloud-delivered-sd-wan-131700031.html
In the UK the head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, not the prime minister These are grand occasions, which aim to strengthen relationships between countries In the UK, heads of state of foreign countries are invited to visit the Queen on the advice of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). The visits need to be approved by the Royal Visits Committee seo packages prices The Queen usually receives one or two heads of state a year. She has hosted 109 state visits since becoming monarch in 1952. The official website of the Queen and the Royal Family has a full list of all state visits since then. And here is how the ceremonies unfold Controversial state visits There has been no date set for Mr Trump's proposed visit, announced during PM Theresa May's visit to the US, last week. When asked why Mr Trump was invited so soon after taking office, Mrs May's spokesman said: "There is no set timing that a president needs to be in office before they receive, or don't receive, an invitation for a state visit." But public discontent around controversial guests is nothing new. Recent protests have focused on heads of state from countries known for poor human rights records, such as China and Saudi Arabia. Despite the outcry, those visits went ahead. Chinese President Xi Jinping Image copyright Getty Images When: October 2015 Why was visit controversial: The country's human rights records and Chinese rule in Tibet. Campaigners said authorities targeted activists and their family members with harassment, imprisonment and torture.
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